All About Your New Facility-Course Outline

Just before the big move, team members often feel as if they are being fed information from a firehose. While there is much to know, at move time most people simply want to receive essential information boiled down to a quick, compact resource right when they need it.

With the Quick Learn Workplace Orientation Module from, you can push interactive, detailed online resources containing time-sensitive information with visuals and links to team members to their laptops and mobile devices when they need it. This module provides big picture perspectives, essential details and answers to common key questions in less than 15 minutes. It enables a smooth transition by providing each team member with the following essential information:

1. Facility Overview and Orientation
When moving to a new location, everyone needs to know how to get there and what to do when they arrive. The quick learn orientation may include:

Building images, address and proximity to the previous facility
Perspective on how this facility fits with others
A quick summary of features and amenities
Important infrastructure updates and upgrades
Essentials on building access, parking, and proximity to transit

2. Floorplan With Workspace Locator
Having a mental image of key building features and amenities before they arrive is important. This Quick Learn Workplace Orientation Module is designed to set expectations on the work environment, provide way-finding for workspaces and features in the new workplace. A quick learn orientation may include an interactive floorplan that provides:

The locations of features and amenities
Images of the primary interior elements and amenities
Workspace images showing technology and features
Workspace reservation tips and links

3. Essential Details on Workplace Features and Amenities
There is so much to learn about a new building, and it is impossible to remember every detail. Besides, people tend to remember the things that interest them while learning, so some may not have been thinking “Where are the printers located?” while eying the tricked out ellipticals in the exercise center. This Quick Learn Workplace Orientation is pre-and post-move resource for:

Additional facility images plus location map links
A list of departments co-located at this facility
Facility features plus logistics for selecting a workspace
Emergency numbers, evacuation procedures and map links
Assistance finding alternative workspaces and special needs
Reaching out to vital resources and support services

The All About Your Workplace Quick Learn Module provides all team members a common workplace preview, visuals, and details they need for a successful move. Whether you are moving 200 or 20,000, this module can be distributed to every team member involved in the move when they need it. This interactive e-Learning module ensures a quick familiarization and smooth transition to the new work environment by providing the knowledge, resources and tips for maximizing your investment the new space.

This Quick-Learn Orientation Module provides every team member an appreciation for the thought and investment that was made to ensure their workplace experience is accommodating, comfortable, safe, secure, efficient, and productive. This course is designed to be highly complementary to Exploring Your Workspace Types and Functionality and the Smoothing the Move to Your New Work Place e-Learning courses.

Customizing Your Course: This e-Learning module is easily customized with your content, messaging and images using our exclusive Rapid e-Learning Development Engine. We start you off with our fully detailed best practices content on MS Word documents. You simply edit these documents with your content and images and return them to your production team. We then map your changes into our automated e-Learning system, and you’ll typically see your changes in the online module within 24 hours.


See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.

Click here to learn about the Work Place Orientation e-Learning Series modules.